Thursday, December 20, 2007

Booklyn Benefit Print

The lovely folks at Booklyn published a print of mine which is available, through Booklyn. Please check them out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Years

I've just finished this illustration for the cover of the Nashville Scene which means I haven't left my house in a week. I also found this today which amuses me despite having no idea what it says.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Dear Deer, Part II

I've been on Damara vacation for about 5 days because bossman is out of town (hope you had fun) and have been multitasking between several collages and naps. Here is where I am at with this deer collage. The paper textures get lost in the photo, so I'll just mention the deer is printed on faux woodgrain. Now if I could get these papers to stick to eachother I'll be in business. Next step, color!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Falling through night

I have been reading Rainer Maria Rilke this week inspiring a piece about the night sky. He begins a series of poems with "Nights like these..." Here is a proof of the first image for my sky.

I may or may not set the sky in a giant phrenology head with vignettes inside the sections of the mind, something i've been meaning to do for ages, but that impulse may have come from watching Hellraiser II yesterday.

Wisdom Teeth

I designed this print a million years ago with the intention of printing it on a letterpress. I used to print with Jan at Kindling Press but since they are not around anymore I'm not sure when/ how it will get editioned or if it ever will. With this said, I got impatient and decided to carve the block and color it in digitally to satisfy my need to bring it to life.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chainrings and christmas

My mom owns a bicycle shoppe and I've been the designated Christmas Card designer which is always an excercise in how to mesh christmas and bikes. Here is this years attempt. Kind of lame but family friendly.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I guess nobody tells me when I get published.
Fortunatly I've found my webhosting will show me who is linking to my website and how many hits I get off it. excellent

For starters, I guess Flavorpill decided to finally slip me into their Miami (?) newsletter.

I have 3 illustrations in DirtRag that I guess just came out this month. About bike riding! They are on my website already, not on theirs but you should buy it anywho.

I stumbled upon this one day. I wish they had an "about" section because it's pretty vague but I'm flattered to have my name in the mix.

AND this is the *gold.* I have NO idea what this is but I'm stoked. Oh the low res. files.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cabinet of Demons #1

Ok. So I manged to whip this piece out after a hectic Rocktober of traveling and adventures and work and work and work.
It's for the Parts and Labor Collective show this saturday Nov. 17th.

I believe there is alot swimming around in my head and sketch book and two headed birds and I work well under a deadline.

I carved the various images, elements if you will, from linoleum; printed them on my kitchen floor with my feet using a refined stomping technique, cut away the excess paper and got my collage on. There is alot of detail in the skull that gets lost in this snapshot, perhaps Selena will help me document it.

I have titled it "Cabinet of Demons #1" and have tentative plans to do a series of containers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I am a new blog

I am an artist and illustrator. I work with this guy for this guy during the day. I ride this bike to the ends of the earth and back and walk my dog around Logan Square when I leave my house.